Trouble - Part 4

Scripture Reading - Psalms 13:4-5 KJV

4 Lest mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him; and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved.
5 But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.

Greetings fellow believer in the Mighty Name of Jesus today’s lesson will continue to speak on the subject of “Trouble”. In our first lesson we spoke on being in “trouble” because of disobedience to God. This is the same thing as saying all people are in “trouble” when they are walking contrary to God’s Word. Yes, the “trouble” may not always be physical because mental problems are “troubling” just as much as financial problems are “troubling” too. We also spoke on “Trouble – Part 2”. In that lesson we highlighted that many people are in “trouble” without knowing why they are in “trouble” or what to do when they’re in “trouble”. In those instances when you don’t know what to do next, our best advice is to call upon the “Name of the Lord Jesus Christ” and He will hear your call, then proceed to help you out of your “trouble”. In Trouble – Part 3” we touched on when “trouble” comes to you for no-fault of your own. We mentioned in those cases look upon the face of God (His Holy Word) to see what God has promised you then believe God for His Deliverance according to His Word. In this lesson we will teach on what to do when “trouble” comes to you from certain people. It seems like we have all had certain people in our life that were “troublemakers”. Yes, we remember bullies in school who caused problems for other students. Typically, the bullies were very comfortable pushing around people who were smaller than themselves and this type of behavior usually kept those being bullied on edge (fearful, intimidated) whenever the “troublemakers” came around. We have heard of stories where certain school “troublemakers” took everything from food (lunch) to actual money and everything in-between. This means people who caused “troubles” for others were around years ago and just because people grow up (get older) doesn’t mean that those evil tendencies to cause problems for others just go away. No, man without God, is inherently evil, not only does the ungodly practice “trouble” but he also enjoys seeing “trouble” around him (or her). We said her too because a “trouble-maker” can be a male or female it is not gender based but rather it is an issue of the heart. We have also heard of fast women who look to entice others to join an illicit lifestyle. Young and old can cause “trouble” just as easily as any nationality in the world. Yes, “trouble” from wicked people was quite common in days of old and it still continues today. Yes, even the Apostle Paul taught in 2 Timothy 3:1-4 KJV that men will cause perilous (grave, hazardous, dangerous, grievous) times. “1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;” We notice that all of the described issues stemmed from men (of course women too) who thought and acted ungodly. Now that we have established the fact that “trouble-makers” are and shall be around us we need not fear. No, the key is not worrying about what a “trouble-maker” can do to you but rather what you can do to withstand any and all “trouble-makers”. First, we must remind all God’s Children that if they are hanging around a “trouble-maker” or plural “trouble-makers” they (The Christian) should depart from them (the trouble maker). This is Christianity 101 which states depart from the wicked that won’t receive you (both words and deeds).-Refer to Matthew 10:14 This is because those who play around mud are more likely to get dirty than those who don’t. We should never let the wicked drag us down into darkness, so we avoid them and their evil deeds in the Name of Jesus unto the glory of God, our Heavenly Father and our pure fellowship with His Holy Spirit. Now if those who practice “trouble” would just leave all Christians alone life would be easier but typically they do not. Yes, many people in darkness (non-enlightened) have no clue about speaking holy words and doing righteous deeds. The ungodly typically have no concept about being used by the devil to cause trouble for good people. They generally don’t understand what it means to live a life unto God. The true Christian purposes every day to glorify their personal Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by pure fellowship with God, their Father and righteous living before all mankind. So if you can’t walk away from a “trouble-maker” because they keep following you then you need to become comfortable confronting the “trouble-maker” head on in the Name of Jesus. We as believers in an awesome God are not to be afraid of any “trouble-maker” because greater is He that is in us than those that are in the world according to 1 John 4:4. The reason you can face the “trouble-maker” fearlessly is because you have the Name of Jesus on your side. Yes, you can call upon His Name and He will save you simply because He Loves you so much. However, you must be in fellowship with God prior to the arrival of “trouble” to even understand that God is your best option. Too many Christian’s know about God but they are not close to Him, so when people who cause “trouble” come their way they become offended and run to God with grief of heart due to complaining about the mean people in the world “troubling” them. This does nothing to help (strengthen) the believer it only hurts (weakens) the saint due to a victim mindset. Instead, speak God’s Word to the person in the Name of Jesus remaining cool, calm and collected because you already know that you are more than a conquer in Christ. The “trouble-maker” cannot consistently stand against the Word of God spoken in faith in the Name of Jesus. Therefore the “trouble-maker” must flee in due season when you withstand their claims (accusations, lies, evil-words, doubts, etc….) spoken against you to hurt you. Yes, if you will be consistent and uncompromising speaking and standing upon the Word of God the “trouble-maker” will be in “trouble” with God which will bring you total and absolute victory while causing complete defeat for the evil one. The Good News is that the faith filled Christian “trouble-breakers” always defeat the ungodly “trouble-makers” when properly using (with a clean and pure heart) the Name of Jesus. Amen!